Outdoor/Woodland Activities

Camp Pinsent

Address: Clarendon Way, Winchester SO22 5QL

Website: http://www.winscouts.org.uk/pinsent/about/


  • Wide Games
  • Campfire
  • Archery
  • Crate-stacking
  • Matchbox Challenge
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Mini-beasting
  • Pioneering

There is a District Archery and Rifle Shooting Competition (leaders and Execs can fire too) annually in June. See District Diary for dates.

View the Activities booking form here.

A diary for activity availability has been set-up but needs filling, view here.

River Park Leisure Centre and the Rec


  • Swimming
  • Astro-turf Football
  • Tennis Courts
  • Cycling
  • Other Sports: Football, Tag Rugby, Athletics, Sports Day
  • Water Activities (fight!)

Farley Mount

Crab Wood

Micheldever Woods

Good for den-building


Head through Kingsworthy to the junction with the A30. Turn LEFT. Take the A30 towards Basingstoke over some bumps until it becomes a dual carriage-way.
Just after it becomes dual carriage way, there is a turning RIGHT signposted Northington and the Candovers. Take this right turn and go straight on until you have gone under a railway bridge.
A few hundred meters up on the LEFT is the entrance to Micheldever Woods with a car park and turning circle.

Magdalen Hill Cemetery – Butterfly Conservation Trust Reserve


I would love to do a walk and talk for you during the summer, I’m happy to do two talks on two separate days. I’d suggest that we meet at Magdalen Hill down as this has the best access and car parking. 6-7pm will be fine if the visit is in late June/July, at this time of day there will still be a few butterflies on the wing if its warm. The general set up for our walks is an interactive talk, nature scavenge hunt and I’ll bring a selection of live specimens for the children to look at as well. If its dry I also have a butterfly/moth tent that the braver children can actually hold some of the live specimens.

Contact Details:

Abby Sullivan – Education Officer, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Branch, Butterfly Conservation

Email: asullivan@butterfly-conservation

Phone: 07845849947

Winnall Moors

Hike, Pond-Dipping (£3 per child, minimum 20) Hampshire Wildlife Trust prefer to be contacted if you are taking Groups here.

Contact Details:

Email: Rachel.Remnanat@hiwwt.org.uk

Phone: 01962 828629


You should be able to get black bags and litter pickers from the Council but I had difficulty tracking down who to get them from recently:

Council: 01962 840222


Biffa: WInnall Farm Estate, Easton Lane, +44 (0) 1962 711990


Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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