We have started a new provision for four and five year olds called Squirrels, to help young people gain skills for life at a time when it matters most. Easily recognised by their red tops they are full of energy and fun.
Our Squirrel Drey meets on a Monday evening, a Squirrel Drey is all about:
- Learning new skills and trying new things
- Having fun and going on adventures
- Making new friends
- Being curious about your environment
- Helping others and making a difference in the local community and beyond
What do Squirrels get up to?
Squirrels can achieve anything they set their minds to – and they have lots of fun along the way. The 45min sessions are a brilliant opportunity for young people to take their first step into being part of Scouts, and they’ll help everyone get ready for the adventure of school too.
Sessions will be packed with outdoors activities, fun, games, badges, laughter, and so much more to help our youngest members learn the skills they need for life. Of course, none of it would be possible without the support of the amazing leaders who plan and deliver such an inspiring programme.
Who leads Squirrel Scouts?
Each Squirrel Drey is made up of young people aged 4-6, led by an experienced adult leadership team. Other adult volunteers and parent helpers are on hand to supervise activities, share their skills and keep everyone safe.
Promises and Ceremonies
As well as enjoying plenty of adventures, being a Squirrel is about exploring who you are and what you stand for. These are big ideas, and when you join the Drey Squirrels choose the promise that best suits them.
Making the promise is a big celebration within the Drey. Once a new Squirrel decides to join, they talk through their promise with their leaders before saying it out loud in front of the Drey. Family and friends are invited come along to watch. This is called being ‘invested’ into Squirrels, and it usually takes place once you’ve had a few weeks to settle in.
Squirrels wear core uniform of a red sweatshirt and a group necker.
The uniform is normally provided by the Group, please ask the leader for more information.
We don’t want anyone to miss out through financial hardship. If concerns about finances may prevent your child taking part in Scouting or some activities, speak to your Drey leader, as some assistance may be available in confidence.