Local Programme Ideas

Key Dates (nearest Sundays to):

St George’s Day – 23rd April
Remembrance Sunday – 11th November

District Events

Arranged by the District Beaver Leaders who meet termly with representatives from as many Groups as possible. Normally 3 events per year are offered depending on who wants to organize what e.g. District Camp, Hike, Activity Day, Football Tournament. These can be specific badge linked.


District Cub Leaders Distribution List Cub-leaders@winscouts.org.uk

Colin Brooks pinsent.activities@outlook.com
Ian Johnson pinsentcampsite@gmail.comRobin Cook dc.winchester@scouts-hants.org.uk
Donna Brien ADC Beavers adcbeaverswin@gmail.com
Paul Dique ADC Cubs adcwinchestercubs@btinternet.com
Christine Cook ADC Scouts christinedmcook@googlemail.com
Bruce Martin ADC Explorers winchesterdesc@gmail.com

Chris Floyd ADC International adcwinchesterint@hotmail.com

Other Groups in the District

You might like to make contact with another Group and share an activity one evening. Click on the necker and use the Contact Us button via the District website.

Winchester District Beaver Leaders Facebook Group is a useful panel of leaders to ask for advice or offer your own pearls of wisdom!

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

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