Adult Training

Training is a mandatory part of becoming a uniformed leader in Scouting. We have a duty to the young people and each other to keep as safe as possible and the training aims to provide you with a structure on which to demonstrate and build upon our skills as leaders and Execs. Although Scouting is a voluntary organisation, we must maintain and be seen to keep good records of our training and day-to-day operation.

How do I complete my adult training in Scouting?

All new Execs, Leaders and Section Assistants must complete Modules 1, Safety, Safeguarding and GDPR (and Module 3 Tools for the Job for Leaders and SAs) within 5 months of provisional appointment to turn the provisional appointment into a full appointment. You should then make a Personal Learning Plan (Mod 2 PLP) for any further training you need to do. You should be able to see your training record on the Scouts membership database Compass and you can find the training modules here.  Please send the certificates to one of the Training Advisers or you can submit them on the Scouts website.

In order to achieve your Wood Badge award, Section Leaders/Asst Leaders should complete the first 19 modules within 3 years of appointment with more detail here.

Training is achieved via a number of different methods. You can do online modules, attend courses (tend to be live or online in evenings or weekends and some cover several related modules), download workbooks to complete, or even validate based upon experience or courses you have already achieved elsewhere in life already. Any training that you do then must be validated to count as complete on your Compass training record.


You can arrange a training module validation session at a time that suits with one of our Training Advisers or even provide your evidence by email if you think it covers all that is required.  You need to have evidence of completing the objectives of the module which can be found in the Training Advisers Guide (along with helpful info!).

Why not meet up in a small group to do some modules together? Choose what interests you. First Aid is a good one to get under your belt. Book here.

You will need to be pro-active with your training, don’t sit back and wait for us to contact you – this is adult self-directed learning!

If you haven’t completed the Getting Started training within 5 months of starting the onboarding process, your provisional membership will run out and your role can be suspended. The same applies if you don’t complete your Wood Badge after 3 years as a leader.

The Group has 3 Training Advisers:
Susan Bowdery, Helen Howell and Sarah Bayley

Your Training Adviser may help you come up with an updated Personal Learning Plan (PLP) after the validation session and update your Compass record.

Suggestions for the next ones to tackle are:

10 A&B First Response

12 A&B Delivering a Quality Programme and Programme Planning
15 Promoting Positive Behaviour

5 Fundamentals of Scouting
7 Scouting for All
8 Skills of Leadership
9 Working with Adults

View the District Training webpage here.

Don’t forget that some courses are run by Hampshire County and some by Winchester District and you can crack several in a weekend or day away. There may be better availability on days/evenings that suit. View the Hampshire Scouting courses here.

You can also find role descriptions for your specific roles here.

Ongoing Training

Once you have achieved your Wood Badge (Modules 1-19) then you should undertake 5 hours a year of ongoing training to include Safety, Safeguarding and First Aid every three years.

Most Important Link: Training Advisors Guide

I stumbled across this recently!  The Training Advisors Guide is no substitute for doing the modular training but may give you a little assistance in finding the answers you’re looking for or take some anxiety out of the kind of questions you might be asked about when validating your modules:

Find the module you’re after and read the Q&A tables and find out what other evidence you need to validate a module.

Happy browsing!

Sarah Bayley

updated 09/09/22

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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